Home Based Death Care
Sometimes referred to as D.I.Y funeral care, home based death care is not for everyone. The notion that you don’t need to hand over your loved one to strangers after death can be very comforting and if this is something you have considered, then it can be a hugely rewarding experience for everyone involved. Home based death care is simply caring for your deceased yourself until they are taken for cremation or burial. Some might think it a bit disconcerting, however, it has occurred for generations and still does in many cultures and traditions. Mary Eleanor has the equipment, knowledge and the understanding to support families if this kind of care is their wish. Knowing you are not alone, and someone is just a phone call away can be very empowering, and of great reassurance.
Further to this is planning and preparing for the service. Activities such as going through photos together or decorating a cardboard coffin can be a time of solace shared with those who knew the deceased best. Often families have clever tech-savvy children who can put together a photo tribute for the life of the deceased. Others may have flower skills or catering flair, anything a family can do to contribute or ‘lean into’ the process of caring for the deceased it often looked back upon with warmth and gratitude as a final love offering.
At Mary Eleanor we say again and again that we can do as little or as much as you need and we will always be there alongside you, quietly holding you up.